Difference is Strength! ニューロダイバーシティが拓く子どものみらい

Difference is Strength! ニューロダイバーシティが拓く子どものみらい

Neurodiversity Opens the Future for Children




Neurodiversity is the idea that there are many “normal” ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving, depending on how the brain and nervous system work. It challenges the idea that these differences are “disorders”. It is often used to describe autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other conditions that affect the brain and development, such as ADHD and learning disabilities.

Neurodiversity, Inc. was founded in 2022 by Joichi Ito, Director of the Center for Radical Transformation at the Chiba Institute of Technology, and Rizuki Matsumoto, who runs Machino Hoiku-en & Kodomo-en, Reggio Emilia Education centers in Japan. They plan to open a hybrid school in the fall of 2024, where children with or without disabilities or differences can learn together.

In this event, we will explore the concept of “neurodiversity” from the perspectives of education and welfare. We will also invite you to share your ideas on how to create open schools and inclusive learning environments for everyone.



2023年6月17日(土曜日) 11:00-14:00 (開場10:45)


東京都渋谷区宇田川町15-1 渋谷パルコ DGビル 18F 株式会社デジタルガレージ カンファレンスホール「Dragon Gate」




株式会社デジタルガレージ まちの研究所株式会社


大人(軽食、ドリンクを含む)2,500円 子ども(サンドイッチ&ドリンク付き)1,500円 子ども(飲み物・食事なし)無料 チケットはPeatixにて事前にご購入頂けます。

※ お子様とご一緒にご参加いただけます。 ※ 会場内には託児所などお子様をお預かりできる施設のご用意はございません。 ※ 本イベントは日英同時通訳付きで開催されます。



Saturday 17th June 2023, 11:00-14:00 JST (Doors Open at 10:45)


Dragon Gate 15-1 Udagawa-cho Shibuya PARCO DG Building 18F Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Hosted by:

Neurodiversity Inc.

Supported by:

Digital Garage, Inc. Machino Research Institute, Inc.


Adult (Includes snack and drink) 2,500 yen Child (with sandwich & drink) 1,500 yen Child (without sandwich & drink) Free of Charge Tickets are available at Peatix

*Children are welcome to attend with their parents. *No day-care center or other facilities for children will be available at the venue. *This event will be held in Japanese with simultaneous English translation.


▶︎ 10:45-11:00 開場

▶︎ 11:00-11:50 キーノートスピーチ


▶︎ 11:50-12:00 休憩

▶︎ 12:00-12:50 インスピレーションセッション


▶︎ 12:50-13:00 休憩

▶︎ 13:00-13:30 ランチセッション

▶︎ 13:30-13:50 ネットワーキング

後半では伊藤穰一、松本理寿輝によるランチセッション、ネットワーキングタイムを開催。 皆様にもサンドイッチやドリンクをご用意します。 新しい学校の構想をお話したり、皆様と一緒にディスカッションさせていただけたらと思っております!

▶︎ 13:50-14:00 お知らせ

▶︎ 14:30 閉場


Schedule & Agendas

▶︎ 10:45-11:00 Doors Open

▶︎ 11:00-11:50 Keynote Speech

We are delighted to welcome Ms. Seiko Noda, a member of the House of Representatives, as our keynote speaker. She is the former Minister of State for Children’s Policy, and will share her insights on “Putting Children at the Heart of Society” based on her own experience of raising a son with medical needs.

▶︎ 11:50-12:00 Break

▶︎ 12:00-12:50 Inspiration Session

In the Inspiration Session, we will hear from Mr. Takaya Matsuda, the CEO of HERALBONY, a welfare experimental unit whose mission is “Let Out Your Exceptionality.” He will tell us how they challenge the notion of “disability” through art and creativity.

▶︎ 12:50-13:00 Break

▶︎ 13:00-13:30 Lunch Session

▶︎ 13:30-14:00 Networking

In the second half, Joichi Ito and Rizuki Matsumoto will host a light lunch and networking session. We look forward to sharing our vision for the new school and learning from your opinions and insights.

▶︎ 13:50-14:00 Announcement

▶︎ 14:30 Close

We have a lot to share with you, and we invite everyone to join us, whether you are new to neurodiversity, a parent who is interested in our school project, or a therapist. We can’t wait to see you there!

講演者 / Speakers


野田聖子(衆議院議員) Seiko Noda, Member of the House of Representatives

1960年生まれ。福岡県北九州市出身。 上智大学外国語学部を卒業後、帝国ホテルに入社。 1987年、岐阜県議選に自由民主党公認で立候補し、当時史上最年少の26歳で当選。 1993年、第40回衆議院議員総選挙で初当選。以後、連続当選10回。 1998年、小渕内閣で当時最年少の37歳で郵政大臣に抜擢される。 その後も消費者行政推進担当大臣、自由民主党総務会長、総務大臣、女性活躍担当大臣、こども政策担当大臣、孤独・孤立対策担当大臣などを歴任し、「こども家庭庁」の創設に尽力。現在は、自由民主党情報通信戦略調査会長を務める。

Born in 1960. From Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. After graduating from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Sophia University, she joined the Imperial Hotel. In 1987, she ran for the Gifu Prefectural Assembly election with the endorsement of the Liberal Democratic Party and was elected at the then youngest age of 26. In 1993, she was elected for the first time in the 40th House of Representatives general election. She has been re-elected 10 times since then. In 1998, she was appointed as the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications at the then youngest age of 37 in the Obuchi Cabinet. She has also served as Minister in charge of Consumer Affairs Promotion, Chairman of the General Affairs Council of the Liberal Democratic Party, Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, Minister in charge of Women’s Empowerment, Minister in charge of Children’s Policy, Minister in charge of Loneliness and Isolation Measures, etc., and has worked hard to establish the “Children and Family Agency”. She is currently the Chairman of the Information and Communication Strategy Research Council of the Liberal Democratic Party.


松田崇弥(株式会社ヘラルボニー 代表取締役社長) Takaya Matsuda, CEO of HERALBONY CO., LTD.

代表取締役社長。小山薫堂が率いる企画会社オレンジ・アンド・パートナーズ、プランナーを経て独立。4歳上の兄・翔太が小学校時代に記していた謎の言葉「ヘラルボニー」を社名に、双子の松田文登と共にヘラルボニーを設立。異彩を、放て。をミッションに掲げる福祉実験ユニットを通じて、福祉領域のアップデートに挑む。ヘラルボニーのクリエイティブを統括。東京都在住。双子の弟。世界を変える30歳未満の30人「Forbes 30 UNDER 30 JAPAN」受賞。2022年、「インパクトスタートアップ協会」(Impact Startup Association)の理事を務める。著書『異彩を、放て。「ヘラルボニー」が福祉×アートで世界を変える』。

With a twin brother, established HERALBONY with the mysterious word "HERALBONY", which his four-year-old autistic brother Shota had written down when still in elementary school. Updated the welfare field through its experimental welfare unit. Awarded "Forbes 30 Under 30 Japan" for 30 people under the age of 30 who are changing Japan.


伊藤穰一(ニューロダイバーシティ株式会社 代表取締役) Joichi Ito

千葉工業大学変革センター センター長。ベンチャーキャピタリスト、起業家、作家、学者として、主に社会とテクノロジーの変革に取り組む。 2011年から2019年までは、米マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)メディアラボの所長に奉職。非営利団体クリエイティブコモンズの最高経営責任者のほか、ニューヨーク・タイムズ、ソニー、ナイト財団、マッカーサー財団、ICANN、Mozilla財団の取締役を歴任した。

Joichi "Joi" Ito is a venture capitalist, entrepreneur, writer, and scholar focusing on the transformation of society and technology. Ito is the director of the Center for Radical Transformation at the Chiba Institute of Technology.

He served as director of the MIT Media Lab from 2011 to 2019. Ito was previously the chief executive of Creative Commons and a board member at The New York Times, Sony, the Knight Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, ICANN, and The Mozilla Foundation.


松本理寿輝(ニューロダイバーシティ株式会社 代表取締役) Rizuki Matsumoto


He studied commerce at Hitotsubashi University and then worked for Hakuhodo, an advertising company. He left his job at a real estate startup and founded Natural Smile Japan, Inc. in 2010 to pursue his dream of providing quality childcare. He runs five childcare centers in Tokyo that follow the principle of letting children learn from their community. He also owns another company called “Machino Research Institute, Inc.” that aims to improve society and education through parenting support and research. He is the leader of “JIREA”, a group that promotes the Reggio Emilia Approach, a child-centered educational philosophy, in Japan. In 2022, he started Neurodiversity Inc. with Joichi Ito.